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diane sare

LaRouche Organization President Diane Sare with the late Lyndon LaRouche

Diane Sare

Diane Sare is a recent two-time independent candidate for U.S. Senate from New York and is now the president of The LaRouche Organization. For over 30 years, Diane had been a collaborator of the late economist and statesman Lyndon LaRouche.

Diane successfully achieved ballot status in New York State for the November 2024 general election after her campaign submitted almost 70,000 signatures this past May. In her 2022 campaign against Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Diane had also submitted well over the 45,000 signatures required for ballot status. On both occasions, no other statewide minority party or candidate was able to meet that outrageous and discriminatory threshold through an all-volunteer effort. 

In December of 2014, after the Staten Island grand jury brought no indictments in the Eric Garner case, Diane worked to avert the kind of riots we saw after the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis by organizing a sing-along of Handel’s Messiah, dedicated to the “sanctity of every human life.”  She subsequently founded the Schiller Institute NYC Chorus, which chorus has continued to this day, and is now in its 10th season.

Diane continues to stream her Weekly Symposium every Friday at 8:00pm EST

From Diane Sare